Staff news

Course Enhancement Questionnaires

Semester 2 surveys seek student feedback to enhance learning, teaching and assessment.

Course Enhancement Questionnaires are central to the University’s commitment to student engagement and to its quality assurance and quality enhancement agenda. Standardised Course Enhancement Questionnaires provide a rich source of information on the experience of students within individual courses and across programmes and Schools.

Alongside other feedback methods, course evaluation surveys provide effective insights that can be used to better understand and hence enhance learning, teaching and assessment.

The semester 2 surveys will be issued to students with the following structure: core set of course level questions; core set of staff questions; and optional school questions. The link below will take you to the details of the question set. 

A working group chaired by Vice-Principal Professor Jane Norman has been established to produce  guidance for staff on some of the key points to consider when using Course Enhancement Questionnaire data (alongside other data) to enhance learning and teaching.  

Professor Dave Robertson has been asked to convene a group to explore semester 1 data for evidence of bias (gender initially).

The Course Enhancement Policy will be reviewed in August 2017 following a review of the existing Equality Impact Assessments. This group will consist of senior academics from Schools in each of the three Colleges. Work will start on this process during March 2017 and relevant findings will be used to enhance guidance to both students and staff in responding to, and interpreting the findings of, future questionnaires.

If you have any questions in the meantime please contact the Director of Student Systems and Administration & Service Excellence Programme Lead

Related links

Course enhancement questionnaire

Equality Impact Assessments

Data Matters Website
