Nikki Hall
ECAT Clinical Lecturer, PhD Student & Ophthalmology Registrar

- MRC Human Genetics Unit
- MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine
- Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 8025
- Email:
- Web: ORCID
Nikki Hall moved to Edinburgh from Brussels in 2003 to study medicine. She started specialist training in Ophthalmology in 2011, working at the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion and in Fife, and passed the FRCOphth fellowship examination in 2016. She holds a clinical academic post as ECAT Clinical Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. In 2016, she joined the lab of Prof David FitzPatrick for a Wellcome Trust-funded PhD investigating the genetic and development basis of PAX6-negative aniridia.
BSc(Hons) 1st Pharmacology (University of Edinburgh, 2006)
MBChB (University of Edinburgh, 2009)
FRCOphth (Royal College of Ophthalmologists, 2016)