
Student Surveys Ethics Committee

Anyone wishing to conduct a University wide survey or a survey that extends beyond one School must apply to the Student Surveys Ethics Committee for permission.

Committee membership includes representatives from all three Colleges and Edinburgh University Students’ Association. The Committee is chaired by Gavin Douglas, Deputy Secretary Student Experience.

Remit of the Student Surveys Ethics Committee

Please note that ‘survey(s)’ refers to any questionnaire or other sampling mechanism used to collect facts, figures or opinions. This does not include survey / tests approved by the Psychology Ethics Committee. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the survey strictly adheres to all legal and research governance requirements, including data protection. In addition, applicants are required to confirm that medical surveys have received ethical approval prior to application to the Student Surveys Ethics Committee.

The Committee review requests and considers the following:

  • content, wording and mode of operation is appropriate
  • is solely for commercial gain (surveys which are solely for commercial gain are not normally approved unless they are seen to be of benefit to students)
  • has a realistic timescale
  • is of relevance and interest to students and the University Community and has sound format and method

In approving a survey, the Student Surveys Ethics Committee grants the applicant permission to approach students. It does not entitle the applicant to claim that they are acting on behalf of the University.

Application process

To apply to survey students from more than one School, applicants must apply to the Student Surveys Ethics Committee via the Student Surveys Unit.

How to apply:

Email to request a Student Survey application form. Complete the application form fully and then return that along with a pdf or word version of the survey. The Committee will not consider an application without a pdf or word version. Do not send a questionnaire online to be completed.

When to apply:

At least 6 weeks prior to your proposed launch date. Although the Student Surveys Ethics Committee aim to respond within 2 working weeks, the application process can take approximately 6 weeks and so it cannot be guaranteed that, even if approved, a survey will launch on the preferred date if this is not adhered to.


On receipt of the completed application and pdf or word copy of the survey, the Student Surveys Unit will submit this to the Ethics Committee for consideration. For a survey to be approved, 50% of the Committee must support it. The decision by the Committee is final and applicants will be notified by email from the Student Surveys Unit.

In approving a survey, the Committee grants the applicant permission to approach students. It does not entitle the applicant to claim that they are acting on behalf of the University.

Criteria for approval

Should a survey be refused, it will be for one, or more, of the following reasons:

  1. Solely for commercial gain and no benefit to students
  2. Unrealistic timescale
  3. Not of sufficient relevance and interest to students and the University Community
  4. Sensitive nature of topic requiring unavailable back up service (e.g. counselling)
  5. Inappropriate wording, content or mode of operation
  6. Unsound format and method
  7. For the purpose of dissertation, theses or assignment research
  8. Inappropriate timing due to other surveys or activities within the academic calendar

Student requests

The Student Surveys Ethics Committee will not consider applications from students as part of their dissertation or assignment research. This is to avoid overloading the student body.


Surveys scheduled during registration, examination period or survey season (NSS, PTES, PRES) will not normally be approved 

Further information

Please contact