Dr David Hamilton (PhD, BSc (hons), BSc (hons), MCSP)

research fellow

  • Dept. of Orthopaedics
  • School of Clinical Sciences
  • University of Edinburgh

Contact details



FU 413, Chancellor's Building

Post code

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Current PhD students supervised

Alexandria Sehgal (quantifying instability in primary total knee arthroplasty)

Past PhD students supervised

Maurice Griffin (muscle recovery and physical outcomes following total knee arthropalsty)

Research summary

Dr Hamilton has specific interests in measuring and assessing physical function, patient outcomes, clinical trials, medical devices, resource utilisation and the business of healthcare. Wider interests transcend musculoskeletal sciences and rehabilitation, from muscle stem cells and regeneration to kinematics and biomechanics.

His main focus is in quanitfying outcomes following joint arthroplasty and revision surgery, the role of physiotherapy in osteoarthtritis, and methodologies to evaluate outcome assessment tools. He has active research collaborations with colleagues in epidemiology (Aberdeen) and outcomes methodology (Innsbruck and Zurich). 

Project activity

Dr Hamilton currenlty leads 3 clinical studies in joint repalcement aiming to assessing physical and clinical outcomes in total hip arthroplasty (CASINO), total knee arthropalsty (TRIMAX) and revision total knee arthroplasty (ReTri).

He is primary investigator on a study evaluating the outcomes fo robotic-assisted hip and knee replacemnt with colleagues at Spire Murrayfield and co-investigator on multicentre trials funded by Arthritis Research UK; A randomised trial investigating the delivery of targeted physiotherapy following total knee arthroplasty (TRIO) and a randomised controlled feasibility trial that aims to assess the acceptability of a pre-operative package of non-operative care versus standard care prior to joint replacement (OPPORTUNITY).


Current project grants

ROBotic-assisted Outcomes of Total joint Arthroplasty (ROBOTA); evaluating patient function following robotic-assisted joint replacement in the UK private healthcare setting.

Targeted Rehabilitation to Improve Outcome after knee replacement (TRIO).

Osteoarthritis Preoperative Package for care of Orthotics, Rehabilitation, Topical and oral agent Usage and Nutrition to Improve ouTcomes at a Year (OPPORTUNITY).

Can Arthroplasty Stem INfluence Outcome (CASINO): A randomised controlled trial of 125mm vs 150mm Exeter stems.

Functional outcomes of revision knee arthroplasty (ReTri).

The effect of implant design on mid-term patient function (TRIMAX).