Rose France

Teaching Fellow


  • PhD. in Russian 20th C Literature (Mikhail Zoshchenko) and Literary Translation. University of Glasgow Dept of Slavonic Languages and Literatures
  • MA (Hons) Russian. University of Edinburgh

Undergraduate teaching


  • "Culture and Power Under Stalin - 1924-1953" (option course)
  • Russian Studies 4 Honours Language Paper 2
  • Russian Language 2A and Russian Language 2B Translation
  • Russian Studies 1A and 1B "Introduction to Russian Culture" component
  • Russian 1B Grammar

Course Organiser:

  • Culture and Power under Stalin (1924-1953)
  • Russian Studies 4 (Honours) Language Paper 2
  • Russian Language 2B
  • Russian Studies 1B
  • Russian Studies 1A and 1B - Culture component 

Literary Translations

  • "Boys in Zinc" play by Marius Ivaškevicius based on the book by Svetlana Alexievich (2020)
  • Short Stories by Nadezhda Teffi ("Thou Shalt not Covet", Hedda Gabbler";  and A Conversation") in "Shadows of Days: Russian Emigre Short Stories from Bunin to Yankovsky" ed. by Bryan Karetnyk, London: Penguin Books, 2017
  • Satirical Sketches by Nadezhda Teffi (  "A Few Words About Lenin" and "The Guillotine") and Mikhail Zoshchenko ("A Wonderful Audacity") in "1917: Stories and Poems from the Russian Revolution", ed. by Boris Dralyuk, London: Pushkin Press, 2017 
  • Stories and Memoirs by Nadezhda Teffi in "Rasputin and Other Ironies", ed. by Robert Chandler and Anne-Marie Jackson  Pushkin Press, 2016. (Also published as "Tolstoy, Rasputin, Others and Me", New York Review of Books, 2016)
  • Joint translation of book: Childrens WWII diaries "Children of War: Diaries 1941-1945". A i F "Dobroe serdtse" Foundation, 2016  (with  Andrew Bromfield and Anthony Hippisley)
  • Poems by Mikhail Lermontov ("The Demon", "Russian Song", "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller" and "It's Dull and its Sad" (with Peter France)  in "After Lermontov: Translations for the Bicentenary", ed. by Peter France and Robyn Marsak, Carcanet, 2014

Book Reviews

  • "Chevengur" by Andrei Platonov, translated by Robert and Elizabeth Chandler. Review published in "Translation and Literature" Autumn Vol 33 No. 3 (2024)

  • "George Orwell and Russia" by Masha Karp. Review published in "Translation and Literature" Spring Vol. 33 No. 1 (2024)

  • "War of the Beasts and the Animals", by Maria Stepanova, translated by Sasha Dugdale and "Maria Stepanova: The Voice Over", edited by Irina Shevelenko, translated by several hands. Review published in 'Translation and Literature' Vol 31, No.1 (2022)

  • "Fourteen Little Red Huts and Other Plays" by Andrei Platonov, translated by Robert Chandler, Jesse Irwin, and Susan Larsen and "Strolls with Pushkin" by Andrei Siniavsky, translated by Slava I. Yastremski and Catharine Theimer Nepomnyashchy. Review published in "Translation and Literature" 27 (2018)
  • "Verses and Versions: Three Centuries of Russian Poetry", selected and translated by Vladimir Nabokov, ed. Brian Boyd and Stanislav Shvabrin. Review published in "The Goalkeeper: The Nabokov Almanac".  2010

Publications, Research Papers and Conference Presentations

  • “Marriage Freedom and the Self: Tolstoy’s “Family Happiness” and Chekhov’s “Three Years”, in Tolstoi and the Evolution of his Artistic World, ed. Joe Andrew and Robert Reid, Studies in Slavic LIterature and Poetics No.64, Leiden: Brill, 2021.
  • Review Article: "Soul Journeys: Tsvetaeva's Poetry in Translation". Review of Marina Tsvetaeva: Milestones and After Russia: The First Notebook, translated by Christopher Whyte, in Translation and Literature" 28 (1) 2019.
  • "The Shadow Double and the Law: Stevenson, Nabokov and Dostoevsky", paper presented at Truths and Fictions: Two Centuries of Scottish-Russian Encounters ( University of Dundee, June 2016) published in "Studies in Scottish Literature" Spring 2018 (44:1)
  •  “Zoshchenko’s Positive Heroine: an Interpretation of the Lyolya and Min’ka Stories”. Unpublished research paper presented at the Conference of the Neo-Formalist Circle, (Mansfield College, Oxford, 2012)
  • “In Quest of the Proto-text” in Neo-Formalist Papers: Contributions to the Silver Jubilee Conference to mark 25 Years of the Neo-Formalist Circle. Amsterdam: Rodopi 1995. pp. 14-27.
  •  “The Speaking Author: Skaz in Mikhail Zoshchenko”, in Essays in Poetics, Vol. 21 (Autumn 1996), pp.35-49.