Shuang Li
Thesis title: The Young Proust and the Visual Arts--Vision, Perception, Aesthetics

Comparative Literature
Year of study: 4
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
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PhD supervisors:
Shuang Li is a fourth-year PhD student in Comparative Literature interested in cross-disciplinary dialogues between literature and the visual arts. She’s currently working on her thesis ‘The Young Proust and the Visual Arts: Vision, Perception, Aesthetics’ that explores the phenomenological aspects of colour, light, form, time and space in the early works of Proust and the visual arts including seventeen century Northern school (Rembrandt, Vermeer) and Chardin that shaped young Proust’s vision and the painters around Proust’s creative period (Corot, Monet, Fantin-Latour, Whistler, Helleu, Blanche) , as well as Ruskin, Turner and the Pre-Raphaelites.
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