Craig G. Hutchison

Senior Teaching Fellow


Craig Hutchison joined the University of Edinburgh in 2008. An experienced person-centred counsellor/psychotherapist and supervisor, he delivers on the professional education programmes in counselling and psychotherapy, working as a programme director and core tutor.

Craig has been in practice since 1998 and is a registered accredited member of both BACP and COSCA, as well as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Prior to joining the university he worked in the voluntary sector as manager of a range of mental health services for adult survivors of child sexual abuse, as manager of counselling services for gay and bisexual men, and as depute co-ordinator of a telephone helpline. He had also been involved for many years in delivering equality and diversity training for a range of audiences, including social workers and Lothian and Borders police, and in providing training on sexuality and sexual violence. He was a member of BACP's Equality and Diversity Forum for three years and sat on the Scottish Government's Reference Group on the needs of adult survivors of child abuse, advising on national policy.

His therapeutic practice is influenced by experiential theory, and particularly by Eugene Gendlin's philosophical and therapeutic work, and he has a particular interest in therapeutic and personal development groups, and in embodiment in therapeutic work.

Postgraduate teaching

Programme Director: Pg Diploma in Counselling (2016-2018)

Programme Director: Master of Counselling - Interpersonal Dialogue (2016-2018)

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Research summary

Person-Centred / Experiential psychotherapy; Organismic psychology; Focusing; Phenomenology; Pre-Therapy; LGBT Counselling

Current research interests

I am currently interested in the organismic underpinnings of person-centred therapy, with a particular interest in the lived body, experiencing and the 'felt sense'.

Past research interests

I have investigated heterosexual counsellors' experiences of working with gay male clients, and person-centred group therapy.