Francesca Gioia

Fourth year PhD student

  • Supervisors: Michele Belot & Steven Dieterle 
  • Start Date: 01-Oct-2013
  • School of Economics

Contact details



30-31 Buccleuch Place

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Francesca studied at the University of Calabria (Italy), achieving her undergraduate degree (Laurea Triennale) in Business Economics with honours and her postgraduate degree (Laurea Specialistica) in Business Economics with honours and thesis recommended for publication. Then, she received the MSc in Finance and Economics with distinction from Queen Mary University of London and the PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Calabria.

Research summary

Her main research interests include behavioural economics, education and experimental economics. Her current research focuses on the role of non-cognitive skills in shaping socio-economic outcomes and on the existence and the characteristics of peer effects in non-cognitive skills (in particular, risk attitudes and impatience).

Supervisors: Michele Belot & Steven Dieterle