Dr Tatiana Kornienko

Senior Lecturer in Economics


Tatiana's research is interdisciplinary, as it uses the game theoretic tools yet feeds upon cognitive and social psychology, as well as ethics and redistributive justice.

One of the main topics of her interest is the human tendency to make evaluations and judgements relatively to their physical, social, or economic environment, which may arise due to a variety of reasons, including concern with social status, inter-personal competition, the non-market allocation of economic goods, and many others. Such relative comparisons may lead to interdependency of preferences - that is, when an individual's satisfaction depends not only on what he does or have but also on what others do or have. 

Tatiana's major research publication on concern with social status appeared in the American Economic Review (joint with Ed Hopkins). She looked at the effects of interpersonal competition on economic growth and on charitable behavior. She also has written on bidders' behavior in auctions and firms' behavior in pollution permit markets. More recently, she turned to experimental study of social learning.


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, University of Pittsburgh; MA in Economics, University of Pittsburgh; MS in Applied Mathematics and Physics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Research summary

  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Applied Game Theory
  • Behavioral Economics
  • Experimental Economics
  • Economics and Psychology of Relative Comparisons