Undergraduate entry requirements by region


Undergraduate entry requirements for applicants from Russia.

Applicants from Russia are admitted to the University of Edinburgh with a range of qualifications, including the Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii, however, applicants to Medicine will only be considered if they have completed A levels or the IB.

Applicants with the Russian Attestat o Srednem Obshchem Obrazovanii will normally be required to successfully complete a foundation year programme before beginning undergraduate studies at the University.

Foundation year

We accept a wide range of UK and international qualifications for entry to our undergraduate degree programmes. If you have undertaken an undergraduate degree in Russia, applicants should contact the Admissions Office for further advice. 

All applicants are required to demonstrate a level of English language competency, regardless of their nationality or country of residence. These requirements are listed by programme.

English Language advice

Specific English language requirement by programme

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You can contact our team for admissions advice and support at: futurestudents@ed.ac.uk

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