Undergraduate entry requirements for applicants from Norway.
We welcome applications from students with the Norwegian Vitnemål at grade 4.5 or above for most subjects, however applicants to Medicine will only be considered if they have completed A Levels or the IB.
Further specific requirements depend on the programme.
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
For degree programmes in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, applicants should have an overall average grade of 4.5. We calculate this by averaging grades achieved by subject, i.e. Final assessment Grade and Exam Grade and then taking an overall average of all subjects taken.
To check for required subjects, applicants should find the programme they want to apply for in the online degree finder - required subjects are listed for each programme.
Degree finder - Arts, Humanities and Social Science programmes
Admissions information - College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
Your application will be considered if you have passed or are predicted to pass the Norwegian Vitnemal - videregaende oppaering with grades of 555 in Chemistry, Biology and Physics/Mathematics.
If English is not your first language, you will also need to meet the University's required standard of English.
Work experience with animals is a key part of the entry requirements for Veterinary Medicine. You will be required to submit a Work Experience Summary form prior to 22 October to support your UCAS application.
Admissions information - Veterinary Medicine
Work experience requirements
Biomedical Sciences & Medical Sciences
For Biomedical Sciences & Medical Sciences, Norwegian Vitnemål with an overall average grade of 4.5 or above. Applicants should also have grade 4 and 5 in Biology and Chemistry (either way around).
If the required subjects are not present within the qualification we would require them as A Levels.
For Medicine, Norwegian Vitnemål with grade 5 in Chemistry and 5s in two from Biology, Mathematics, or Physics. Applicants also need Core English Grade 5.
Veterinary Medicine
Award of Norwegian Vitnemal - videregaende oppaering with grades of 555 in Chemistry, Biology and one other subject.
Science and Engineering
For degree programmes in Science and Engineering, applicants should have an overall average grade of 4.5 or above. Applicants should also have grade 5 in all required subjects, or grade 6 where we require a grade A at SQA Higher/GCE A level. Applicants should have R2 Maths where Maths is a required subject. The Certificate must be endorsed “generall studiekompetanse".
English Language requirements
All applicants are required to demonstrate a level of English language competency, regardless of their nationality or country of residence. These requirements are listed by programme.
Specific English language requirement by programme
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