Undergraduate entry requirements by region


Undergraduate entry requirements for applicants from Australia.

The entrance requirements vary depending on the subjects you wish to study.

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The following is required (as a minimum), for degrees in arts, humanities and social science subjects:

Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia

ATAR of at least 92, and successful completion of Year 12 certificate with B grade (or equivalent) passes in all required subjects, as stated in our prospectus or in the degree finder online (please see Year 12 subjects section below for details of year 12 subjects by state).


Overall Position of 4 or better and successful completion of Queensland Certificate of Education with High Achievement in all required subjects as stated in our prospectus or the degree finder online.

College of Science and Engineering

For 2022 entry onwards, the following is required (as a minimum) for degrees in science and engineering subjects:

Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia

ATAR of at least 92, and successful completion of Year 12 certificate with B grade (or equivalent) passes in all required subjects, as stated in our prospectus or in the degree finder online (please see Year 12 subjects section below for details of year 12 subjects by state)


Overall Position of 4 or below, and successful completion of the Queensland Certificate of Education with a minimum of High Achievement. 

Queensland Core Skills (QCS) tests with grade B (or grade A where an A at Higher/A Level is specified) in all required subjects, as stated in our prospectus or in the degree finder online.

Most offers will be made to students who achieve grades above the minimum entry requirement.

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

The following is required (as a minimum), for degrees in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Sciences subjects:

Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia

For Biomedical Sciences, ATAR of at least 92 and successful completion of Year 12 certificate with good passes in Biology and Chemistry (please see Year 12 subjects section below for details of year 12 subjects by State)

For Medicine, ATAR of at least 97, and successful completion of Year 12 certificate with very good passes in Chemistry, English and two from Biology, Mathematics or Physics 

For Veterinary Medicine, ATAR of at least 97 and successful completion of year 12 certificate with very good passes in chemistry, biology and a subject approved for entry to the Veterinary programme.  


For Biomedical Sciences, Overall Position of 4 or below, and successful completion of Queensland Certificate of Education with Queensland Core Skills (QCS) tests in all required subjects, as stated in our prospectus or in the degree finder online.

For Medicine, Overall Position of 2 or below, and successful completion of Queensland Certificate of Education with Queensland Core Skills (QCS) tests in Chemistry, English and two from Biology; Mathematics or Physics at grade A.

For Veterinary Medicine, Overall Position of 2 or below, and successful completion of Queensland Certificate of Education with Queensland Core Skills (QCS) tests in Chemistry, Biology and a subject approved for entry to the Veterinary programme.  

Year 12 subjects 

Must be at the following level, depending on state, and the noted grade where an A at Higher/A Level is required

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

Year 12 Certificate 

T courses at grade A 

New South Wales

Higher School Certificate

Category A Board Developed Courses at band 6 (two unit courses) 

Northern Territory  The Northern Territory Certificate of Education and Training (NTCET) is based on and administered by the South Australian Certificate of Education – see below for details 

Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)

A minimum of High Achievement. 

South Australia

South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) 

Tertiary Admissions Subjects (TAS)/SACE Stage 2 subjects at grade A 


Tasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) 

Level 3 (15 credit) courses with Exceptional Achievement (EA)

Some subjects are also offered at Level 4, which would also be accepted for entry 


Victoria Certificate of Education (VCE)

Unit 3 and unit 4 subjects at grade A 

Western Australia

Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) 

Year 12 WACE subjects (units 3 & 4) at grade A

English Language requirements

You must demonstrate a level of English language competency that will enable you to succeed in your studies, regardless of your nationality or country of residence. 

If you are not a national of a country on the UK Government’s list of majority English speaking countries and you need a Student route visa you will also need to meet the UK Visa and Immigration (UKVI) English language requirements. The English language qualification that you use for admission must be included in our list of accepted qualifications.

Undergraduate English language entry requirements  

If you are an Australian national or a national of another country on the UK Government’s list of majority English speaking countries we accept the following Australian qualifications to meet our academic English language requirements. Grade C/Pass in English at grade 11 or 12 within your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education.

UK Government list of majority English speaking countries 

English Language advice

Specific English language requirement by programme

Undergraduate entry requirements – Other options

Other qualifications include:

Further guidance on academic entry requirements

Each course may have further specific entry requirements. All applicants must meet these requirements. Staff in the Admissions Offices will be able to provide further guidance:

Undergraduate admissions contact form

Applicant support

Our representative for Australia is Louise Zeelenberg. You can contact us for advice and support by emailing:


Browse our events calendar to see if we are hosting an event in your area:

Events calendar

Review student visa requirements on our Student Immigration Service website:

Student Immigration Service

About Edinburgh

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Student numbers

There are around 64 students from Australasia currently studying at the University of Edinburgh.