Postgraduate study
Edinburgh: Extraordinary futures await.

Tutoring and demonstrating

Many postgraduate students are asked to take on teaching responsibilities in their schools.

Photo of students in tutorial

Support and training is available both in your school and through the Institute for Academic Development (IAD).

The IAD also provides:

  • a range of dedicated workshops on teaching practice
  • routes for tutors and demonstrators to gain Higher Education Academy (HEA) accreditation
  • a SharePoint site with information and resources to help you develop and get feedback on your teaching
  • a Teaching Log template you can use to record your teaching experience
  • news updates

More information on support is available from the IAD.

IAD: courses and resources for tutors and demonstrators

Policy for support and development of tutors and demonstrators

The University has a policy which covers a range of aspects of recruitment, support and development of tutors and demonstrators, including: 

  • arrangements for contracts and payment 
  • roles and responsibilities 
  • mandatory induction and training 
  • non-mandatory training and development 
  • resolving problems

Policy for the recruitment, support and development of tutors and demonstrators

More information for tutors and demonstrators