Doctor Niall O'Gallagher
Gaelic Writer in Residence
Niall is the author of three collections of poetry in Gaelic published by CLÀR and of Fuaimean Gràidh / The Sounds of Love: Selected Poems (Francis Boutle, 2023), with English translations by Peter Mackay, Deborah Moffatt and others. He is a previous winner of both a New Writers Award and an Ignite Fellowship from the Scottish Book Trust / Gaelic Book Council and of the Wigtown Gaelic Poetry Prize. In 2019 he was appointed Bàrd Baile Ghlaschu, the City of Glasgow's First Gaelic Poet Laureate, and in 2023 was awarded the Bardic Crown at the National Mòd. A translator of poetry from Catalan, he has twice received awards from the Institut Ramon Llull and is currently working on English translations from the poetry of Josep Carner. He was appointed Gaelic Writer in Residence at the University of Edinburgh in 2024.
MA (Hons), PhD
- Fuaimean Gràidh: Dàin Taghta / The Sounds of Love: Selected Poems (London: Francis Boutle, 2023).
- Fo Bhlàth: Dàin (Inbhir Nis: CLÀR, 2020).
- Suain nan Trì Latha: Dàin (Inbhir Nis: CLÀR, 2016).
- Beatha Ùr: Dàin (Inbhir Nis: CLÀR, 2013).
- Bàrdachd a' Bhaile Mhòir: 15 Glasgow Poems (Edinburgh: Blue Diode, 2024).
Christopher Whyte, Ceum air Cheum: Cruinneachadh de dhàintean nas fhaide / Step by Step: A Book of Longer Poems (Steòrnabhagh: Acair, 2019).
Journal Articles
The Gaelic for Apricot. Modern Poetry in Translation 3 (2023), pp. 15-19.
Sealg Dealain-Dè. STEALL 2 (2017), CLÀR, pp. 151-155.
Ireland's eternal Easter: Sorley Maclean and 1916. Irish Studies Review, 24(4), (2016), pp. 441-454.
Sùil eile air bàrdachd ‘Glaschu-ach’ Ruaraidh MhicThòmais. Aiste, 3, (2010), pp. 64-75.
Alasdair Gray’s Lanark: magic realism and the postcolonial novel. Textual Practice, 21(3), (2009), pp. 533-550.
Book Chapters
Cainnt agus Balbhachd ann am Bàrdachd Chrìsdein Whyte. In Munro, G. and Cox, R. A.V. (eds.) Cànan Agus Cultar: Rannsachadh na Gàidhlig 4 (Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press 2010), pp. 151-162.
Contemporary Gaelic Poetry. In McGuire, M. and Nicolson, C. (eds.) The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Poetry (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2009), pp. 49-64.
Edited Books
Don’t. Even. Ask. Too. Hot.: New Writing Scotland 42, with Kirsten Innes and Chris Powici (Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literature, 2024).
nothing but a set of eyes for stars: New Writing Scotland 41, with Kirsten Innes and Marjorie Lotfi (Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literature, 2023).
Sùil air an t-Saoghal: Buaidhean Eadar-nàiseanta air Sgrìobhadh sa Ghàidhlig, le Pàdraig MacAoidh (Slèite: Clò Ostaig, 2013).