Angie Fawkes

Deputy Genetics Manager


I lead and manage the sequencing team of 4 staff. I have delegated authority to manage the sequencing service and am responsible for ensuring that quality results are delivered in a timely fashion and within budget. I am responsible for ensuring that resources are being used in the most value-added way on an ongoing basis. I oversee the wider genetics analysis service, provide technical and thought leadership. I provide timely quotes for services to academic clients to assist with costing and pricing of research proposals and grant applications. I provide expert advice to a wide range of researchers on the best methods to utilise.

I am the laboratory Lead for the LIMS, responsible for implementing, administering, and continuously improving the LIMS. I gather and prioritise user requirements, translating the needs of the external clients and internal users into clearly written technical product requirements and specifications. I oversee and direct the operation of the LIMS in the laboratory. I provide training and oversight to ensure that the LIMS is correctly used by the laboratory personnel. I prepare and maintain documentation for all areas of responsibility, including standard operating procedures and user manuals.

I assist the Genetics Manager with financial planning, budgeting, investment priorities and horizon scanning. Assessing future technological requirements as well as the staffing needed to run them. Ensuring that the Core continues to provide its academic and commercial clients with technologically advanced services that align with their requirements.

I coach, mentor, and develop staff, including overseeing new employees. I provide career development planning and opportunities. I effectively transfer knowledge and skills and conduct training. 


Heriot-Watt University, BSc (Hons) Biochemistry 2:1

Responsibilities & affiliations

IST Membership MIScT

Science Council Cert: RSci (Registered Scientist)