EDUCT Annual Dinner | 12 April
Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, University of Edinburgh, will be our after-dinner speaker. In his talk, entitled Ten Years at the Top, Sir Peter will offer reflections based upon his having had the outstanding opportunity to lead two universities on two continents: the University of Hong Kong and the University of Edinburgh. He will provide historical context, elaborate on lessons learned, and offer some personal views on the future for the overall direction and running of a university such as the University of Edinburgh.
For ticket cost and further information, please visit the EDUCT website.

Apr 12 2024
EDUCT Annual Dinner | 12 April
Join the Edinburgh University Club of Toronto (EDUCT) and Professor Sir Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University, for the Club's Annual Dinner.
The Great Hall
The Arts & Letters Club
14 Elm Street
Toronto, ON
M5G 1G7