Francisco Llinás Casas

  • Department of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American Studies (SPLAS)
  • Department of European Languages and Cultures (DELC)
  • School of Literatures, Languages, and Cultures

Contact details


PhD in Hispanic Studies, University of Edinburgh (2022-2026)

Provisional thesis title: "Por Estas Calles de Intersección: Representing Venezuela’s Refugee Crisis, 1999 to the Present". Supervised by Dr. Jessica Gordon-Burroughs  and Dr. Iona Macintyre.

Master of Latin American Studies (Hispanic Studies), University of Edinburgh (2021-2022)

MScR dissertation on the reinterpretation of abstract geometry as a homecoming strategy in Venezuelan diasporic art.

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Fine Art, Glasgow School of Art (2017-2021)

BA (Hons) dissertation on Venezuelan exile art and Latin American post-colonial thought. 

Responsibilities & affiliations

Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities - AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship

UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration Through Languages and the Arts (RILA)


Research summary

Francisco's research focuses on the representation of the Venezuelan migration crisis. More specifically,  he is interested in the intersection of gender, race and class, the legacies of colonialism in Latin America and the role of popular culture in representations of Venezuelan migrants. His doctoral project approaches the Venezuelan refugee crisis through an interdisciplinary lens, looking at literary, aesthetic and digital representations of Venezuelan migrants, and drawing on concepts from performance, film and gender studies, aesthetics and diaspora thought.

Current research interests

Latin American exile; diaspora studies; migrant and refugee representation; colonialism and neo-colonialism in Latin America; popular culture; digital media; melodrama; telenovela; gender and queer studies; violence and displacement.

Knowledge exchange

As part of his artistic practice, Francisco has participated in numerous art residencies, developed public art commissions and facilitated socially engaged art projects focusing on forced exile and displacement. He has worked with numerous galleries, museums and arts organisations, including the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, the Southbank Centre and the National Theatre of Scotland. He is a fellow artist at University of Glasgow's UNESCO Chair Refugee Integration through Languages and the Arts.

Currently, Francisco is doing a year-long Research Residency at Alchemy Film and Arts, where he is co-curating a programme on the Venezuelan Migration Crisis for Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival 2025. Similarly, he is a Visiting Doctoral Researcher at Cornell University, where he will be working alongside Dr Irina Troconis during the fall semester. 

Current project grants

Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities - AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership Studentship

SGSAH Engagement Fund

Past project grants

Royal Scottish Academy - New Graduate Award (2020)

Glasgow School of Art - Critical Theory Award (2019 -2020)

Invited speaker

"The Documentation of  Venezuelan Caminantes: A conversation with Ronald Pizzoferrato, Dr Irina Troconis, Francisco Llinás Casas, Erick Moreno Superlano." Build what we hate. Destroy what we love - ApexArt, New York City. 


2025 PILAS Conference - University of Bristol

SGSAH Year 2 Symposium 2024 - ARC University of Glasgow 


Conversation with writer and curator Aimé Iglesias Lukin. "This Must Be the Place: An Oral History of Latin American Artists in New York 1965–1975," University of Edinburgh (2022). 

Papers delivered

"Space Reclamation and the Racial Politics of Taste in Venezuelan Diasporic Digital Culture." - Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Conference 2024, University of Amsterdam.


"Breaching the Modern City." - Migration Research Conference 2024, University of Sheffield.


"Internacionalizando El Nichismo: The politics of taste and space in Venezuelan digital culture in the US." - Researching Latin America Symposium 2024, University of Edinburgh.


"Abstract Homecoming: Identifying Svetlana Boym's 'Diasporic Intimacy' and 'Homecoming' in Venezuelan Exile Art" - Re-Pensando Venezuela Symposium 2023, Cornell University.


"The Crossroads of the Venezuelan Migration: Analysing the Venezuelan Diaspora Through Intersectionality." - Venezuela, Dispersed: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Venezuelan Migration and the Diaspora, 2022, University of Exeter.