Jackson Kilonzi

Thesis title: Optimizing agricultural inputs informed by soil health and the soil microbiome

PhD supervisor:



Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems, Charnock Bradley Building. The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute, Easter Bush Campus, Roslin

Post code
EH25 9RG


Jackson Kilonzi is a PhD student undertaking agriculture and food security in the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems (GAAFS). His research focuses on the role of soil health and soil microbiome in informing on the application of external inputs in maize genotypes. The study will also unravel on the implications of external inputs on microbiome diversity, carbon and nitrogen cycling and resource utilization across agro­­-ecological zones. Findings of this study will be essential in the development of sustainable farming practices that limit production of greenhouses gases and soil degradation while enhancing soil health

Prior to joining GAAFS, Jackson has been working with Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO), a government state cooperation, as research scientist in the potato value chain sector. Specifically, he is involved in development of good agricultural practices for improved potato production as well as for enhanced crop health.