Yiwei Lu

Postgraduate teaching

Tutor in the postgraduate course:

Electronic Commercial Law 2023

E-Commerce Law 2024

Regulation of autonomous systems: the law of robotics 2024

Participated in marking postgraduate students' dissertations in 2024

Research summary

As a PhD student at the University of Edinburgh's School of Law, Yiwei's research topic focuses on the interaction between artificial intelligence and law. His research intersects legal reasoning, information and technology law, artificial intelligence technologies, logic and informatics etc. His research focuses on three main points:

1: The construction of legal intelligent technologies to assist AI industry, including legal information representation and storage methods, legal support systems, legal reasoning systems, and so on.

2: Intelligent methods for facilitating the efficiency of collaboration and communication between legal and engineering communities in the context of AI.

3: Regulatory challenges and possible solutions to information and technology law posed by AI technologies, especially generative AI in the context of large language models.

  1. Zhe Yu, Yiwei Lu: Systematic Reasoning for Formal Argumentation Combined with Deontic Logic. In Journal of Studies in Logic (2024)
  2. Pak Yin Chan, Xue Li, Yiwei Lu, Yuhui Lin, Alan Bundy,  Formalise Regulations for Autonomous Vehicles with Right-Open Temporal Deontic Defeasible Logic.  In proceedings of  AI-2024 Forty-fourth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2024)
  3. Zhe Yu, Yiwei Lu:  Reasoning about legal systems based on formal arguments of deontic logic (Chinese). In proceedings of 1st China Artificial Intelligence and Logic Conference (2024)
  4. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu: Enforce Actions based on Structured Argumentation Theory under Legal Contexts. In proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Logics for New-Generation Artificial Intelligence (LNGAI 2024)
  5. Leon Qiu, Yiwei Lu, Burkhard Schafer: Formalisation Memories: Towards a Pattern Approach to Legal Design. In proceedings of 27th Internationales Rechtsinformatik symposion 2024 (IRIS2024)
  6. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu, Yuhui Lin, Burkhard Schafer, Andrew Ireland, Lachlan Urquhar.: A Legal System to Modify Autonomous Vehicle Designs in Transnational Contexts. In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2023).
  7. Yiwei Lu, Yuhui Lin, Xue Li, Alan Bundy, Burkhard Schafer, Andrew Ireland:Logic and Theory Repair in Legal Modification. In 3rd International Joint Conference on Learning & Reasoning (IJCLR): CogAI 2023.
  8. Yu, Zhe, and Yiwei Lu. "A Structured Bipolar Argumentation Theory for Providing Explanations in Practical Reasoning." 5th International Conference on Logic and Argumentation. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
  9. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu, Yuhui Lin, Burkhard Schafer, Andrew Ireland, Lachlan Urquhart:Legitimacy Detection System based on Interpretation Schemes for AI Vehicles Design. In Proceedings of 17th International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2023)
  10. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu, Yuhui Lin, Burkhard Schafer, Andrew Ireland, Lachlan Urquhart: Handling inconsistent and uncertain legal reasoning for AI vehicles design. In Proceedings of Workshop on Methodologies for Translating Legal Norms into Formal Representations (LN2FR 2022)
  11. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu, Yuhui Lin, Burkhard Schafer, Andrew Ireland, Lachlan Urquhar.: A legal support system based on legal interpretation schemes for ai vehicle designing. In Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX 2022). pp.213–218 (2022)
  12. Haixiao Chi, Yiwei Lu, Beishui Liao, Liaosa Xu and Yaqi Liu: An Optimized Quantitative Argumentation Debate Model for Fraud Detection in E-commerce Transactions, In IEEE Intelligent Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 52-63 (2021)
  13. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu: Reasoning with Inconsistent Legal Ontologies Based on Argumentation Theory. In Proceedings of 14th International Workshop on Juris-informatics (JURISIN 2020)
  14. Yiwei Lu, Zhe Yu Argumentation Theory for Reasoning with Inconsistent Ontologies. In: Borgwardt S, MeyerT, editors. 33rd Description Logic workshop 2020. vol. 2663;DL 2020.

2023-now: As a member of Regulation and Design Lab (RAD Lab) University of Edinburgh.

2021-now: Work with Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS), University of Edinburgh.

2018-2021: As a member of Zhejiang University – University of Luxembourg Joint Lab on Advanced Intelligent Systems and REasoning(ZLAIRE). Zhejiang University.

2019-2020: Participated in research project in cooperation with the Ant Group, which is the network finance affiliate of Alibaba Group. This project aims at building an explainable system to solve e-economy fraud detection problem. 

2018-2019: Participated in research project in cooperation with an Internet company TuiDian. This project aims at building an intelligent database for import and export trade declaration.