Professor Philip J Camp

Professor of Theoretical Chemistry


  • MA Chemistry (1994), University of Oxford (Part II Supervisor: P. A. Madden FRS)
  • PhD Physics (1997), University of Bristol (Supervisor: M. P. Allen)
  • Izaak Walton Killam Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1997-2000), Department of Chemistry, University of British Columbia (Supervisor: G. N. Patey)
  • Lecturer (2000-2007), Senior Lecturer (2007-2012), and Reader (2012-2017) in Physical Chemistry, and Professor of Theoretical Chemistry (2017-present) at the University of Edinburgh

Research summary

Structure, dynamics, and phase equilibria in complex fluids; computer simulations and statistical mechanics.

Research Overview

We study the properties of complex fluids such as colloidal suspensions, ferrofluids, liquid crystals, amphiphile solutions, polymers, and ionic fluids. Using computational and theoretical techniques, we determine the connections between the structure, dynamics, and phase behaviour of complex fluids, and the properties of the constituent molecules. Simple molecular models are constructed that capture the essential characteristics of real systems. We then study these models using computational techniques such as Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics, and Brownian dynamics simulations. We also employ analytical approaches from statistical mechanics. These studies yield unique insights on the properties of fluids, and help forge universal relationships between the microscopic and macroscopic properties of matter.

Current research interests

Current research topics include: static and dynamic properties of magnetic liquids; self-assembly, adsorption, and friction of amphiphilic and polymeric molecules at liquid-solid interfaces; using molecular simulations to complement scattering and reflectivity experiments; thermal properties of complex fluids; biomolecular self-assembly and biomineralisation.

Knowledge exchange

16 years' experience of working with external partners including bp Castrol, bp-ICAM, The Falcon Project, and Infineum UK Ltd.