Caroline Collins
Thesis title: The Devil in The Marquis de Sade and Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Literature From Periods of Political Revolution

PhD supervisors:
BA (magna cum laude), Southwestern University (USA), Religion
MTS (summa cum laude), Southern Methodist University (USA), Biblical Studies Concentration
Responsibilities & affiliations
Research Collaborator: North American Research Collective - Religious Trauma (NARC-RT)
Undergraduate teaching
The God(s) of the Philosophers: Proposals and Problems (Semester 2, 2024-2025)
Popular Religion, Women and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (Semester 1, 2024-2025)
Current research interests
Religion and Literature; The Devil in Poetry, Plays, and Prose; Gothic Literature; Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Russian Literature; Russian Nihilism and PopulismPast research interests
Collins has undertaken many projects concerning Religion and Literature throughout the completion of her Bachelor of Arts in Religion (2019), and her Master’s of Theological Studies (2022): previous projects have incorporated the works of, to name a few, Dante, James Weldon Johnson, Henri Bergson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Jean-Louis Chrétien.Conference details
SGSAH Scottish Universities Theology and Religious Studies Postgraduate Research Day Conference (2024)
Southwest Commission on Religious Studies Conference (2023)
Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society Regional Meeting (2022)
“‘No More God(s), Frenchmen’: Reading the Devil and the Church-State in The Marquis de Sade’s Libertine Novels from the Bastille to the Reign of Terror.” Stories of Origin: A Workshop on Literature and Religion. Jointly organized by the ‘Literature and Religion’ research group, University of Bergen, Norway, and the Scottish Network for Religion and Literature (October 2024).
“The Universal Bow: Philosophies of Love and Loss in Dostoevsky’s ‘The Grand Inquisitor.’” Literature and Religion Nugget Seminar. Jointly organized by the ‘Literature and Religion’ research group, University of Bergen, Norway, and the Scottish Network for Religion and Literature (November 2023).
Papers delivered
“The Metamorphosis: The Devil Conceived in Perceptions of the Self and the Other in The Brothers Karamazov.”
“Circuits of the Past: Reading the Resurrection Appearances in John 20 through Phenomenological Literature.” New Testament and Early Christianity 2: John and Paul.
“Foundations of Sapphire: Galatians 4:27 and Obstetrical Literature in the Hebrew Bible.” New Testament: Paul and His Epistles.
“The Sound Mind.” Liturgy for The Unmooring Issue 2.2, Winter 2024.
“The Art of Christian War: Revisiting Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady’s Jesus Camp (2006).” Film Review for Transpositions, Fall 2022.
“Return to Mine: A Call and Response Liturgy.” Liturgy for The Unmooring Issue 04, Summer 2022.
“Symbolism in the Gospel of John: Jesus as Birther and Life Giver.” Liturgy for The Unmooring Issue 02, Spring 2021.
The Charley T. and Jesse James Bible Award (Southern Methodist University, 2022)
David Knox Porter Award (Southwestern University, 2020)