Yamama Dayoub

Thesis title: Rulership and Perfection in Arabic Philosophy: A Comparative Study of Abu Nasr Al-Fārābi and Yahya Ibn ‘Adi


My research interests include interfaith dialogue, history of religions and inter religious relations and Christian-Muslim interactions.


MTh in Religious Roots of Europe Lund University, Sweden

Fellowship at Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany

MA in Muslim Cultures Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations, London UK

BA in English Literature Damascus University, Syria

Current research interests

Current PhD research  centres on Arabic/Islamic philosophy, history of the tenth century Baghdad, and politics in Christian-Muslim philosophy and  theology. The primary focus is on works of al-Farabi and Yahya ibn 'Adi. 

Past research interests

Muslim cultures, History of religions, Politics and religions, National Curriculum of History , History textbooks in Syria, Egypt and Turkey, History Education, History and Historiography of Nations