Harry Legg (BA, MRes)

Thesis title: The Everyday Life of Non-Jewish 'Full Jews' in Nazi Germany and Austria, 1933-1945


Researching non-Jews labelled as 'Jewish' by Nazi racial law in Germany and Austria, 1933-1945. Email me for queries, collaboration or comments (see page header).

Open for private family history research project enquiries. 

AHRC funded: https://sgsahresearch.com/portfolio/harry-legg/

Past Fellow at the Munich Center for Holocaust Studies at the Institute for Contemporary History, March-May 2023.

Past European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) Fellow at the Berlin Bundesarchiv, early 2024.




BA and MRes from Royal Holloway University of London

Undergraduate teaching

Introduction to Historiography, HIST08044 (2nd year course) (seminar leading & marking)

Global Connections since 1640, HIST08041 (2nd year course) (marking)

Writing Centre Tutor -- 1:1 sessions

Research summary

Approximately, I would say I am most interested in the following: Everyday life history; Volksgemeinschaft; German-Jewish history; Nazi era; Holocaust commemorative debates; bridging the damaging gap between the historical profession and memory studies; General Holocaust Historiography.

Papers delivered

  • [Future] Lessons & Legacies XVII - Presenter/discussant on the 'Mixed Couples and their Families in the Holocaust' seminar (November 2024, California)
  • Institute of Historical Research "Mapping the Holocaust" workshop (May 2024, London) - "Mapping the November Pogrom: The Racially Inconsistent Targeting of Non-Jewish 'Jews'"
  • International Association of Genocide Scholars Biannual Conference (July 2023, Barcelona) - "A Plea For Commemorative Equality - The Holocaust, Factual Specificity, and Commemorative Prioritisation".
  • British and Irish Association for Holocaust Studies Annual Conference (June 2023, Newcastle) - "Generational Adaptions by Non-Jewish "Full Jews" to Nazi Social Regulations".
  • British Association for Holocaust Studies Annual Post Graduate Conference  (2021, online) – "The Everyday Lives of Christians labelled as “Jewish” by the 1935 Nuremberg Laws".

In the press

Article for a Turkish Jewish newspaper about my piece in Contemporary European History: https://www.salom.com.tr/haber/136175/holokostta-yahudi-oldugunu-kesfetmek


Non-peer reviewed: