Lyndsay Kennedy (APVN (Sm. Mamm., Avian, Herp) RVN)
Registered Veterinary Nurse - Ophthalmology

Contact details
- Email:
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Easter Bush - City
- Midlothian
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
Lyndsay qualified as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2011. She spent 11 years in first-opinion small animal practice and has always had an interest in all aspects of surgical nursing. In addition to her clinical duties, Lyndsay also shares teaching of theatre practice for our 3rd year undergraduate students, as part of their Clinical Foundation Course.
Responsibilities & affiliations
Lyndsay volunteers with the British Small Animal Veterinary Association, serving on the Scottish Regional Committee, and centrally on the PetSavers Management and PetSavers Grant Awarding Committees.