Resident in Rabbit and Exotic Animal Medicine and Surgery


I graduated from The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies as a vet with a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in 2020 with distinction. I then joined the team at the Dick Vet Reptile and Exotic Practice for a summer internship. Following this, I began a year-long internship in Rabbit and Exotic Animal Medicine at DVREP from 2020-2021, and then completed a Rotating Small Animal Internship in 2021-2022 to round out my clinical skill set.

I started my Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine (DVetMed) in September 2022 and began my residency in Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery in November 2022.

I love working with all types of exotic animals but have a particular passion for Backyard Poultry Medicine and enjoy being an advocate for our feathered friends. I also have clinical interests in the treatment of e. cuniculi, gastrointestinal parasites, fly strike and gastric bloat in rabbits. Outside of my clinical work I enjoy teaching undergraduate students as part of the exotics teaching team and became an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in early 2023.



Research summary

I am particularly interested in the role husbandry plays in reproductive disease in laying hens, as well as the prevalence of this condition in ex-farmed birds.