Renée Marx (SFHEA)
Learning Technology Manager

- Learning & Information Technology
- School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 650 3973
- MPhil (cum laude) in Hypermedia, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
- BA Honours in International Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Studies, Rhodes University, South Africa
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Archaeology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Responsibilities & affiliations
The over-arching responsibility of my role is to ensure staff can make best use of all available learning technology to support the objectives of the School. I provide leadership, planning and project management for the delivery of technology enhanced learning activities within the school. To this end I provide expert technical and pedagogical advice and solutions to school academic and professional services staff to enable the large-scale creation, migration and delivery of blended, hybrid and online courses, taking into account desired course outcomes, student experience, existing knowledge and skill levels of staff, as well as any constraints on resources.
This role also involves organising, delegating, and overseeing the work of full-time learning technology team members and (when necessary) part-time GH students to ensure key targets in teaching delivery are met.
Project activity
2018-2019 The impact of using a simulated, virtual classroom on teacher confidence, Institute for Education, Bath Spa University
2016-2017 Development of Threshold Concepts Using Video Resources, Psychology Department, Rhodes University
2016-2017 Uses and usefulness of technologies for Teaching & Learning, Rhodes University
2013-2015 Student Tracking and Monitoring for Success, University of Fort Hare
2012-2015 Emerging Teaching & Learning Practices with Technology, University of Fort Hare
2011-2012 Emerging Technologies in Higher Education funded by South African National Research Foundation
2008-2009 Technology Assisted Learning Developmental Study collaboration between University of Johannesburg and University of Edge Hill (UK)
2008 Use of online discussion fora in academic staff development, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
Invited speaker
Marx, R. 2017. Students are doing it for themselves: Exploring learner generated help contexts. Technology Enhanced Learning Special Interest Group of the Higher Education Learning & Teaching Association of Southern Africa, Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, 11 -12 July.
Coetzee, R. 2010. Please park sensibly: Reflections on eLearning governance. Integrated Tertiary Systems User Group Conference, International Convention Centre, East London, South Africa, 8-10 March.
Coetzee, R. 2009. National/Regional Perspectives and Initiatives: Great E-xpectations. Walter Sisulu University E-Learning Conference, East London, South Africa, 3-4 November.
Coetzee, R. 2000. Web-based learning environments: use in staff and student development. Conference on Use of ICT in Education, Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique.
Papers delivered
Marx, R. 2018. Robots in education: Leading edge or bleeding edge? ALT Conference, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, 11-13 September.
Anagnostopoulou, K. and Marx, R. 2018. Artificial Intelligence & Teacher Education. ICEFIL Conference: Personalised Learning & Technology, Utrecht, Netherlands, 30 August 2018.
Marx, R. 2015. Setting the scene for engagement driven technology integration. Teaching and Learning Symposium, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, July.
Marhaya, L. and Coetzee, R. 2014. Student tracking and monitoring project at UFH. Teaching and Learning Week, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, 14-16 July.
Ntlabathi, S., Coetzee, R., Riley, A. and Mkonqo, L. 2014. Technology Enhanced Learning innovations. Teaching and Learning Week, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, 14-16 July.
Toni, N., Nkonki, V. and Coetzee, R. 2014. Academic Development at UFH: Past, present and future. Teaching and Learning Week, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, 14-16 July.
Coetzee, R. and Marx, J. 2012. Leveraging technology to enhance teaching in large classes. Teaching and Learning Week, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, October.
Ntlabathi, S. and Coetzee, R. 2010. Lecturer Experiences of a Blended Teaching and Learning Approach: A case study at University of Fort Hare. HELTASA, 23-25 November.
Coetzee, R. 2010. Please park sensibly: Reflections on eLearning governance. Invited Speaker, ITS User Group Conference, International Convention Centre, East London, South Africa, 8-10 March.
Coetzee, R. 2009. Reflections on staff development models for technology enhanced learning. New Generation University Conference, Vaal University of Technology, South Africa, 17-19 November.
Coetzee, R. 2009. The vicarious and the experiential: Learning about e-learning at UFH. University of Johannesburg/University of Edge Hill (UK) Technology Assisted Learning Developmental Study Colloquium.
Coetzee, R. and Zantsi, Z. 2001. The use of multimedia learning programmes in an African higher education context. Academic Development Conference, University of the North, Polokwane, South Africa, 8-10 December.
Coetzee, R. and Bailey, H. 1999. Teaching Political Science in the next millennium: The case for Computer Assisted Education. Annual Congress of the South African Political Science Association, Military Academy, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 29-30 June.
Belluigi, D. Z., Czerniewicz, L., Gachago, D., Camps, C., Aghardien, N., & Marx, R. (2022). ‘Deeply and deliciously unsettled’? Mis-reading discourses of equity in the early stages of Covid19. Higher Education.
Belluigi, D., Czerniewicz, L., Khoo, S., Algers, A., Buckley, L., Prinsloo, P., Mgqwashu, E., Camps, C., Brink, C., Marx, R., Wissing, G., & Pallitt, N. (2020). “Needs Must”? Critical reflections on the implications of the Covid19 ‘pivot online’ for equity in higher education. Digital Culture & Education (ISSN: 1836-8301).