Caleb Gilleland
Thesis title: Paul Within Islam: Roadblocks and Possibilities in Muslim and Baha’i Dialogue with Christianity

Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations
Year of study: 3
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Caleb Gilleland is from north Georgia, USA. He is currently a PhD candidate in Christian-Muslim Relations at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. His research interests include modern views of the apostle Paul — especially in interfaith context, Baha'i studies, evangelical Christian missional method, and Quranist interpretations of Islam. He is particularly interested in the theological works of NT Wright, Andrew Perriman, Udo Schaefer, and Shabbir Akhtar.
Having grown up as an evangelical Christian until becoming a Baha'i as a young adult, Caleb has always been interested in how religious boundaries intersect and overlap, as well as how they deal with conflicts of identity. His PhD research focuses on how later religions (Islam and the Baha'i Faith) deal with problematic interpretations from earlier scriptures.
A.B. (International Affairs) University of Georgia.
M.S. (Marketing) Georgia State University.
M.A. (Theology and Religion) King's College London.
Research summary
My interests include modern views of the apostle Paul — especially in interfaith context, Baha'i studies, evangelical Christian missional method, and Quranist interpretations of Islam. My MA dissertation was on how to properly classify NT Wright's theory of atonement. I am particularly interested in the theological works of NT Wright, Andrew Perriman, Udo Schaefer, and Shabbir Akhtar.
LERU Doctoral Seminar in Theology and Religious Studies 2022 (Lund University 21-24 August, 2022).
CMCS Next Generation Researchers Conference 2023 (Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies Oxford, 30 June - 2 July, 2023)