We are continuously reviewing and evaluating the mental health support we offer to our students.
'Impact' is one of the four priority areas of the University's Student Mental Health Strategy, alongside: Leadership; Mental Health Promotion; and Mental Health Support.

Our aim
Drawing on the skills of our professional teams and expert academic researchers, we want to use data and research effectively to support student mental health and wellbeing, helping us to monitor trends, track progress, evaluate impact and plan improvements.
What we are currently doing
- Student support services employ a range of monitoring and evaluation methods, including service usage and satisfaction ratings alongside impact measurement.
- We ensure that the services we deliver are evidence-based, drawing on academic research.
- We commission specific evaluation/ research projects to inform service development.
- We use regular student surveys to obtain feedback on student support provision.
- We report annually on student mental health to the Senate Education Committee.
What we want to do in future
- We want to introduce a ‘baseline’ wellbeing measurement to enable us to track trends in student mental health over time.
- We will develop a student mental health ‘dashboard’ using a range of indicators to demonstrate progress and impact in implementing this strategy.
- We will work closely with academic colleagues across our University, and draw on academic research to support improved student mental health services.
- We plan to review our approach to reporting on student mental health within the University’s governance and committee structure with effective monitoring and improved impact in mind.