Collaborative leadership and effective governance is key in supporting student mental health and wellbeing.
'Leadership' is one of the four priority areas of the University's Student Mental Health Strategy, alongside: Mental Health Promotion; Mental Health Support; and Impact.

Our aim
- We want to establish effective governance and leadership arrangements to support implementation of this strategy.
- We want to encourage collaborative leadership in the whole University community to support student mental health and wellbeing, aiming for a sector-leading approach.
- We want to strengthen academic oversight for the strategy to foster strong connections into the University’s education and research.
What we are currently doing
- Our Director of Student Wellbeing provides a coordination point for taking forward actions aligned to our student mental health strategy.
- We have developed a student mental health action plan to focus activity and help to track progress.
- We have established a multi-disciplinary strategy task group to oversee implementation.
- We have invested in additional student support services.
- We have reviewed key policy areas with improved mental health in mind.
- We have commissioned an external review to propose a refreshed strategic direction and to guide future planning for student mental health.
What we want to do in future
- We will publish a revised student mental health action plan aligned to this refreshed strategy, and informed by external review.
- We will strengthen academic oversight for implementation through reviewing our governance structures for student mental health and wellbeing and establishing a new strategy leadership group, with Deans of Students in each College taking a leading role
- We will develop connections with the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee, to foster collaborative working on student mental health.
- We will continue targeted policy review to support improved student wellbeing.
- We will align our work on student mental health and wellbeing with the University’s developing work on staff mental health and wellbeing.