Clara Lazzoni
Thesis title: Seeing texts, reading images: approach to late antique concrete poetry based on Optatian.

PhD in Classics
Year of study: 2
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Contact details
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PhD supervisors:
Born in Tuscany, I obtained my BA degree in Pisa (2016) working on a narratological approach to the Homeric text, and my MA in Siena (2018) with a dissertation on the Tria Fata. In 2019 I worked as a Greek teacher in a Secondary School in Italy, and from 2020 I'm enrolled as a PhD student in Classics at the University of Edinburgh.
M.A. Philology, Literatures and History of Antiquity at the Università degli Studi di Siena. Title of the dissertation: "I Tria Fata. Quando la parola "fa nascere"" (2018)
B.A. Humanities at the Università degli Studi di Pisa.
Undergraduate teaching
Tutor for:
Roman Wrold 1A and 1B
Elementary Greek 1A and 1B
Research summary
Late antique poetry; late antique aesthetics; visual studies; frame studies; Roman art; material culture; semiotics; macrotextuality; anthropology.
Current research interests
My project aims at applying categories taken from the field of visual studies to literary texts, or to texts that cannot be defined as visual in a proper way. The ideal case study of this approach will be the collection of 31 poems of a Late Antique author, Optatian (Publilius Optatianus Porfyrius), who lived under Constantine.Current project grants
2020 - present: Principal Career Development Scholarship, University of Edinburgh
Past project grants
2021: Nomination for the EUSA Teaching Awards, category "Best Student Tutor of the Year", University of Edinburgh
Classics Postgraduate Seminars, University of Edinburgh, 2021
Titubanti Testi. Binomio di Lettura. Ghent University, 26th March 2021