Extensions of study
Extensions for exceptional circumstances: how to request an extension to the period of study and important considerations.
The University expects that the thesis will be submitted for assessment within the period stated in the programme handbook. Extensions to this period are available in exceptional circumstances and must be agreed by the Postgraduate Director or Head of Graduate School and approved by the College Committee. For example, an extension may be available if unforeseen difficulties beyond the student’s control, have held up the research or completion of the thesis. A strong case is required, including a plan for completion, and must be supported by the Principal Supervisor.
To request an extension:
- The Principal Supervisor submits the request.
- The academic reasons for the extension are stated in the request.
- A plan of work towards submitting the thesis, with milestones and specific dates agreed with the Principal Supervisor is included in the request.
Important things to consider when requesting an extension:
- It must be made before the end of the student’s maximum submission date (for example, within four years for a full-time PhD).
- It may have an impact on Student visa holders.
- It may have an impact on student funding.
- It may have an impact on council tax (for example discounts and exemptions).
- There are restrictions to the amount of time that can be requested for extension – these are set out in the Postgraduate Degree Regulations.
Further information and advice
Specific advice for Student visa holders:
Free, impartial advice for all students from the Students' Association's Advice Place:
University regulations relating to extensions: