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Before joining The University of Edinburgh, he obtained a civil engineer degree and a master in hydrology. He worked for a hydrometeorological service for a few years, where he started to handle big data problem. Later, he enrolled in a PhD focus on long-term river morphodynamics, using physical-statistical modelling approached, which completed from 2014 to 2018. Following, he worked in Italy as Data Scientist in the industry. His role centred on developing quasi-real-time control algorithms for big data environmental measurements, the design and implementation of relational algorithms for data-driven support decisions.
Responsibilities & affiliations
Dr Lopez Dubon is in charge of developing the FASTBLADE data structure and the data analysis's main algorithms. Moreover, he will lead the design and implementation of new data-driven algorithms to improve FASTBLADE performance and study the different tested specimens. This will reduce the time of new technology transfer, helping FASTBLADE be at the vanguard of fatigue testing of composites structures.