Dr Masoud Ghaderi Zefreh

Core Scientist


  • 2019 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Institue of Petroleum Engineering, Heriot-Watt University (UK)
  • 2013 Masters of Science in Applied Mathematics, University of L'Aquila (Italy)
  • 2011 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering , Univerty of Petroleum Technology (Iran)

Current research interests

I am currently the post-doc researcher in the Eu project EcoReady (https://www.eco-ready.eu/). As part of this project, I contribute in scenario development for livestock breeding and its interaction with climate change.

Past research interests

I was involved in the European SMARTER project (https://www.smarterproject.eu/). As part of the this project, the aim was to develop new traits for resilience and understand the effect of genomic in improving the resilience of sheep and goat.