Money, fees and finance
Find out about cost of living help, scholarships, funding and how to pay tuition fees. Access your student finance channel or get advice on debt problems.
Cost of living help

We understand that many of you may be worried about meeting your day to day costs. In this section, you will find help with budgeting and with saving on essential and non-essential expenses. It also covers free and discounted products and services that might make the cost of living easier to manage.
Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for all our undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Your fee status depends on whether you are from Scotland, the rest of the UK or overseas. Funding options and payment schemes may help you manage the cost.
Funding and financial support
Get an introduction to some of the loans, bursaries scholarships and grants available to help with your tuition fees and living costs. We also offer financial support/aid for any current students facing unexpected financial difficulties.
Find part-time work
Over the last few years, there has been a big rise in freelance, remote job opportunities. This is excellent news if you are looking for additional income to support yourself during your studies.
Money and debt help
Financial challenges can be overwhelming while studying, but it helps to prioritise key bills and highest-interest debts. Learn how to which bills should take priority and how to ask for help as early as possible.
Financial scams and fraud
Find out how you can protect yourself against scams and criminals who try to steal financial and personal information from you.