
Support for Study Student Information

Information for students on the Support for Study policy

Support for Study Policy

The Support for Study policy is a supportive way of assisting the small number of students whose behaviour gives cause for concern. It offers an alternative to disciplinary action when a student’s behaviour may be affected by health conditions or disabilities.

If a supervisor, student support team or other University staff member are concerned about you or your behaviour, and they think that you might have an underlying health or personal issue, they may refer you for support under the Support for Study procedures.

This isn’t itself a disciplinary process – it is intended to help you address any issues which may be affecting you. There are various kinds of support provided by the University, and this procedure is meant as a way to coordinate access and come up with an action plan to get things back on track. It could involve Student Finance, Student Counselling or Disability services, Deans of Students and more, depending on your situation.

For more information on the policy, please see here