New Students

How to confirm your optional courses

Information about how to confirm your course choice(s).

Your School will ask you to submit several optional course choices and then they will enrol you on the courses with available space.  

You will not know if there are spaces available before you submit your choices. You should have 2/3 options for every 20 credits that you need to do an optional course, in order of preference.  

Your School will contact you before you start (some time from mid-August) with detailed information on your next steps to register/enrol on your chosen courses. It is very important to follow their instructions carefully and submit your choices before the deadline that they provide. Missing this deadline will mean that you will likely not get your first choice of course.  

Things to keep in mind

  • Your School/Student Adviser can only enrol you on a course once you have started (from Welcome Week onwards)
  • The deadline for enrolling in a course is the end of Week 2 (Friday 27th September 2024)

If you have any questions, it will likely be your Student Adviser who you can help you. You will be introduced to them directly before you start. They can advise you about relevant options and discuss your plans, but they cannot make the decision for you.  

After you have been enrolled on your optional courses, the details will be uploaded and transferred into your personalised timetable.   

Access your Timetable  
