New Students

Prepare for study

As you start preparing for studying, there are practical digital tools that you will need to become familiar with to be able to access your learning.

You have chosen to learn more about something that excites and interests you and while studying, you will be challenged to think differently, use new technologies and produce work in ways that you have never experienced.   

Edinburgh is a welcoming environment and you are now joining us as an equal member of our academic community. We understand that at this stage, you will not know what this looks like yet and it can be difficult to know what to expect and how to best prepare. This section highlights what you need to know and do before you start to help be ready for your studies. 

Systems you will use

The University provides a range of resources to support you at the start of your new student journey and throughout your studies.

Online short courses

Photo of a male working on a laptop
There are lots of optional online courses that you can start in August to help you better prepare for University. These are all free to join.

Academic support

ISG female manager listening in interview
You may have problems at certain points in your studies, perhaps in trying to keep up with the workload, making sense of what you are being taught or with personal circumstances.

Optional (elective/outside) courses

Optional (also known as elective or outside) courses give you opportunities and flexibility to explore new subjects, learn new skills and study with lots of different students.

How you will learn

When starting a degree at university, it is likely that the learning style will be quite different to anything you have experienced before.

Prepare for your first year

In this section, we highlight some of the main skills that you require and will develop in your first year at university.


