Douglas Hamano-Bunce

Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes


I joined ELE as a summer pre-sessional English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Tutor in 2014 and am currently a Teaching Fellow (EAP). My responsibilities include the Graduate Writing (GWC), which offers one-to-one academic writing tutorials to postgraduate students and staff, the English for Education and Social Sciences summer pre-sessional course for prospective postgraduate students, the embedded in-sessional Academic Language & Literacy for the Masters in Public Health (ALLMPH) provision, and the Listening and Note Taking course for the year-round pre-sessional programme (PGPEP).

Before coming to Edinburgh, I spent over twenty years in Asia teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) as well as EAP, at the British Council in Tokyo and Singapore, and at universities in Japan and the United Arab Emirates. I also worked as a CELTA teacher trainer.


2002 PG Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (DELTA)

2008 MSc (TESOL) Aston University 

Hamano-Bunce, D. (2022). The effects of direct written corrective feedback and comparator texts on the complexity and accuracy of revisions and new pieces of writing. Language        Teaching Research : LTR, 136216882211276-.

Hamano-Bunce, D., Murray, R., & Campbell, B. (2019). The effects of a short study abroad Programme on Japanese learners’ L2 listening. Asian EFL J. Quart, 23, 106–129.

Hamano-Bunce, D. (2016). Maximising Classroom Opportunities to Improve Learner Interaction. 英語教育センター紀要 (CELE Journal), 24, 208–231.

Hamano-Bunce, D. (2013). A Framework for the Creation of Task-Based Courses for First-Year Students at Asia University. 英語教育研究所紀要 (CELE Journal), 21, 103–141.

Hamano-Bunce, D. (2011). Talk or chat? Chatroom and spoken interaction in a language classroom. ELT Journal, 65(4), 426–436.

Hamano-Bunce, D. (2011). Blah blah: Interactive contextualised vocabulary review | JALT Publications. Retrieved 31 August 2024, from