Sharing things

1.10 Ross and Catherine (Christmas special)

In this Christmas special of Sharing things, Ross Nixon and Catherine Rayner talk all things Christmas, pets and favourite festive tunes.

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A photo of Ross family and a photo of 'Meerkat Christmas' by Emily Gravett
Ross's family photo and Catherine's copy of 'Meerkat Christmas' by Emily Gravett.

About our guests

Ross Nixon

Chosen object: Picture of family

Ross Nixon is a fourth-year law student and President of University of Edinburgh Law Students’ Council. Alongside his studies, he is an Assistant at the Advice Place and works as a Student Ambassador. He counts musicals as one of his interests. 

Law Students' Council

The Advice Place

Catherine Rayner

Chosen object: The book 'Meerkat Christmas' by Emily Gravett

Catherine Rayner is an award-winning author and illustrator from West Yorkshire. She studied Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art and likes to draw animals, drawing inspiration from her pets - two goldfish, a guinea pig, a cat and a horse. Her books include the popular titles 'Augustus and his Smile', 'Smelly​ Louie' and ​'​​​​​Solomon Crocodile'.

Based in Edinburgh, Catherine also exhibits artwork in galleries.

Catherine's website

Catherine on Twitter

Catherine Rayner, Ross Nixon and host Amalie Sortland recording the Sharing things Christmas special.
Catherine, Ross and host Amalie recording the Christmas special.


View transcript for 1.10 Ross and Catherine (Christmas special)

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Host: Amalie Sortland

Theme music: Nathan Webb

Audio recording: Vicki Bell

