Jingni MA
Thesis title: Nature-based interventions to enhance well-being in adults via facilitation of present-moment awareness and valued-living

PhD supervisors:
- Street
School of Health in Social Science,
University of Edinburgh
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
I completed my first degree in Applied Psychology in China, then I came to the UK for postgraduate study. I've been studying under Msc. program DDCP (developmental disorders in clinical practice) at the University of York, where I undertook the project about sleep quality and memory consolidation in the adult with Autism (supervised by Dr. Lisa Henderson). I joined in the clinical psychology program at the University of Edinburgh in 2018. Recently, I'm interested in doing research about nature-based intervention and well-being (supervised by Dr Stella Chan and Dr Paul Graham Morris ). My PhD thesis aimed at exploring how nature-based interventions improve psychological well-being in adults via the facilitation of present-moment awareness and valued living, and whether or not walking in nature can improve sleep quality. I'm now doing research about the benefits and barriers of community gardening in China by using Constructing Grounded Theory. While I've been undertaking a study about understanding home-planting behaviour and its psychological benefits. My next study is going to test the effectiveness of nature-based walking intervention in sleep quality and mood.

Postgraduate teaching
- I've been undertaking the role of course tutor in Data Management and Analysis (CLPS11056) for 2 academic years so far. My responsibility is to guide students to facilitate their data and run the tests. I am also in charge of answering questions and offering knowledge to the students in need during the tutorial, and marking essays and reports after each semester.
- I've been tutoring the Inferential Statistics in Applied Psychology (ISAP) course in semester 1 (2020/2021).
Research summary
I'm doing research about nature-based interventions. I'm interested in whether engaging in a natural environment along with physical exercise can improve psychological well-being in adults. I am particularly interested in the effectiveness of walking in green spaces and engaging in gardening in improving psychological well-being and sleep quality. Additionally, I am looking at by what facilitations that nature-based intervention can improve well-being. And the facilitations that I am focusing on are present-moment awareness and valued living. The theoretical frameworks I've been using are the Attention Restoration Theory, the Theory of Planned Behaviour, and the Transtheoretical Model (Stage of Change).
Conference details
- Poster Presentation – Postgraduate Research Conference 2019
School of Health, The University of Edinburgh.
- Delegate of Poster Presentation
Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
NHS Mental Health Network, Glasgow.
- Public Engagement in Mental Health Research Workshop 2019
Scottish Graduate School of Social Science, Edinburgh.
- Poster Presentation -HISS Winter Fair for Research Policy and Practice 2019
Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy (SCPHRP), Edinburgh.
- InspriED Grants (2019)
Self-defensive workshops
Cooperated withTIP Liesbeth (https://www.ed.ac.uk/profile/liesbeth-tip)
Social Responsibility and Sustainability Student Project Grant (2019-20)
"Designing My Happy City: Community Garden"
Cooperated with Negar Ebrahimi (PhD student in architecture at UoE)