Staff news

Teaching and academic careers

Revised Exemplars are now available for teaching staff seeking promotion.

A University-wide group has been reviewing the processes that we have in place for recognition, reward and support for teaching in academic careers. A set of Principles was published last year, and a revised set of Exemplars of Excellence in Student Education are now available. 

We want all our staff to know how much the University recognises, values and rewards teaching excellence; that careers can be progressed on the basis of achievement in teaching; and that we have robust processes in place across the institution to ensure progression through teaching.

The Exemplars set out examples of achievement in teaching which might be used by staff seeking promotion at different grade levels (including, for the first time, exemplars for promotion from Grade 7 to Grade 8). The Exemplars make it clear that academic staff whose roles focus predominantly on teaching have a career path available to them that can extend from an initial Grade 7 appointment through to Grade 10 and the distinction of Professor.

Academic staff should already have received a summary of these changes, and you can view the full guidance on our HR webpages below.

If you would like any further information in the meantime, please speak to your line manager in the first instance. 

Related links

Exemplars of Excellence in Student Education

Frequently Asked Questions

Teaching and Academic Careers
